North Louisiana’s leader in Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine

We are conveniently located near the front of Minden High School at 216 West Union Street, Suite A. Our caring and helpful front office staff is dedicated to scheduling our patients as quickly as possible, with their convenience in mind. Their expertise in insurance, paperwork, and orthopaedic knowledge make your check-in and check-out process fast and easy. Our wonderful medical staff is dedicated in providing “big city orthopaedics with a small town feel”. Be sure to take a look around our site to learn more abut our team, what services we provide, and what people have to say about Wilson's Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine.
Our Specialties & Services

Athletic Injuries
Athletic Injuries Sports injuries occur when playing indoor or outdoor sports or while exercising. Sports…

Joint Replacement
Joint Replacement Hip Replacement Anterior Approach Total Knee Replacement Hip Replacement Anterior Approach Total…

Knee The knee is a complex joint. It has many components, which makes it vulnerable…

Hip The hip is prone to several types of injuries. Sometimes these happen in otherwise…

Shoulder Shoulder injuries can not only be caused by athletic activities that involve excessive or…
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